Publications of the Orient-Comité Expedition
Luschan, Felix von. 1902. Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli. Vol. 3, Thorsculpturen. Berlin: Georg Reimer.
Luschan, Felix von, and Gustav Jacoby. 1911. Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli. Vol. 4. Berlin: Georg Reimer.
Luschan, Felix von, and Walter Andrae. 1943. Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli. Vol. 5, Die Kleinfunde von Sendschirli. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Publications of the Chicago-Tübingen Expedition
Casana, Jesse, and Jason T. Herrmann. 2010. “Settlement History and Urban Planning at Zincirli Höyük, Southern Turkey.” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 23: 55–80.
Herrmann, Virginia R. 2011. Society and Economy under Empire at Iron Age Sam’al (Zincirli Höyük, Turkey). Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago.
Herrmann, Virginia R. 2014. “The Architectural Context of the KTMW Stele from Zincirli and the Mediation of Syro-Hittite Mortuary Cult by the Gods.” In Symbols of the Dead, edited by Peter Pfälzner, Ernst Pernicka, and Herbert Niehr. Qatna Studien, Supplementa 3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Herrmann, Virginia R. 2014. “The KTMW Stele from Zincirli: Syro-Hittite Mortuary Cult and Urban Social Networks.” In Redefining the Sacred: Religious Architecture and Text in the Near East and Egypt, 1000 B.C.–A.D. 300, edited by Elizabeth Frood and Rubina Raja. Contextualising the Sacred 1. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols.
Herrmann, Virginia R. 2014. “In Remembrance of Me: Feasting with the Dead in the Ancient Middle East.” Oriental Institute News and Notes 220: 14–18.
Herrmann, Virginia R. 2017. “Appropriation and Emulation in the Earliest Sculptures from Zincirli (Iron Age Sam’al).” American Journal of Archaeology 121/2: 237–274.
Herrmann, Virginia R., and J. David Schloen. 2016. “Assyrian Impact on Samʾal: The View from Zincirli.” In The Provincial Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire, edited by John MacGinnis and Dirk Wicke. McDonald Institute Monographs. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
Herrmann, Virginia R., and J. David Schloen. 2016. “Excavations at Zincirli Höyük in Turkey: 2015 Season.” In The Oriental Institute 2015–2016 Annual Report, edited by Gil J. Stein, pp. 159–168. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
Herrmann, Virginia R., and J. David Schloen. Forthcoming. “Zincirli Höyük, Ancient Sam’al: Preliminary Report on the 2015 Excavation Season.” In Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, edited by Manfred Bietak, et al. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Pardee, Dennis. 2009. “Une nouvelle inscription araméenne de Zincirli.” Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 2009, pp. 799–806. DOI: 10.3406/crai.2009.92543
Pardee, Dennis. 2017. “The KTMW Inscription.” In The Context of Scripture, vol. 4, Supplements, edited by K. Lawson Younger, pp. 95–96. Leiden: Brill.
Pucci, Marina. 2015. “Founding and Planning a New Town: The Southern Town Gate at Zincirli.” In From the Treasures of Syria: Essays on Art and Archaeology in Honour of Stefania Mazzoni, edited by P. Ciafardoni and D. Giannessi. Leiden: Brill.
Schloen, J. David. 2014. “The City of Katumuwa: The Iron Age Kingdom of Sam’al and the Excavation of Zincirli.” In In Remembrance of Me: Feasting with the Dead in the Ancient Middle East, edited by Virginia R. Herrmann and J. David Schloen, pp. 27–38. Oriental Institute Museum Publication 37. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
Schloen, J. David, and Amir S. Fink. 2009. “The Neubauer Expedition to Zincirli—Ancient Sam’al.” Oriental Institute News and Notes, Winter: 3–13.
Schloen, J. David, and Virginia R. Herrmann. 2016. “Zincirli Höyük Excavations 2015.” Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 38/3: 173–186.
Schloen, J. David, and Virginia R. Herrmann. 2016. ”Zincirli Höyük: Eski Sam’al.” Aktüel Arkeoloji 50: 46–59.
Schloen, J. David, and Virginia R. Herrmann. 2016. “Gercin Höyük.” In Gaziantep: Şehr-i Ayntab-ı Cihan, edited by Ergun Özüslü, pp. 310-319. Gaziantep, Turkey: Gaziantep Valiliği İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü.
Architecture and Stratigraphy
Naumann, Rudolf. 1971. Architektur Kleinasiens von ihren Anfängen bis zum Ende der hethitischen Zeit. Tübingen: Wasmuth.
Ölmann, Franz. 1921. “Zur Baugeschichte von Sendschirli.” Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 36: 85–98.
Pucci, Marina. 2008. Functional Analysis of Space in Syro-Hittite Architecture. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Wartke, Ralf-B. 2005. Sam’al: Ein aramäischer Stadtstaat des 10. bis 8. Jhs. v. Chr. und die Geschichte seiner Erforschung. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
Wartke, Ralf-B. 2008. “Sam’al. B. Archäologisch.” Reallexikon der Assyriologie 11: 605–607.
Art and Iconography
Akurgal, Ekrem. 1949. Späthethitische Bildkunst. Ankara: Archäologisches Institut der Universität Ankara.
Bonatz, Dominik. 2014. “Art.” In The Aramaeans in Ancient Syria, edited by Herbert Niehr, pp. 205–254. Handbuch der Orientalistik 1: Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten 106. Leiden: Brill.
Bossert, Helmuth Theodor. 1958. “Neues von Zincirli und Maraş.” Orientalia 27: 399–406.
Brown, B. 2008. “The Kilamuwa Relief: Ethnicity, Class and Power in Iron Age North Syria.” In Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Madrid, April 3–8, 2006, edited by J. M. Cordoba, M. Molist, M. C. Perez, I. Rubio, and S. Martinez, pp. 339–356. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Czichon, Rainer Maria. 1995. “Die Psychologie des künstlerischen Schaffenprozesses am Beispiel der Kilamuwastelen.” Altorientalische Forschungen 22: 352–373.
Genge, Heinz. 1979. Nordsyrisch-südanatolische Reliefs: Eine archäologisch-historische Untersuchung, Datierung und Bestimmung. Copenhagen: Munksgaard.
Gilibert, Alessandra. 2011. Syro-Hittite Monumental Art and the Archaeology of Performance: The Stone Reliefs at Carchemish and Zincirli in the Earlier First Millennium B.C.E. Topoi Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 2. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Orthmann, Winfried. 1971. Untersuchungen zur späthethitischen Kunst. Bonn: Habelt.
Tamur, Erhan. 2017. “Style, Ethnicity, and Archaeology of the Aramaeans: The Problem of Ethnic Markers in the Art of the Syro-Anatolian Region in the Iron Age.” Forum Kritische Archäologie 6: 1–72.
Wicke, Dirk. 2014. “Assyrian or Assyrianized? Reflections on the Impact of Assyrian Art in Southern Anatolia.” In Mesopotamia in the Ancient World: Impact, Continuities, Parallels. Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium of the Melammu Project Held in Obergurgl, Austria, November 4–8, 2013, edited by Robert Rollinger and Erik van Dongen, pp. 561–601. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
Winter, Irene J. 1976. “Carved Ivory Furniture Panels from Nimrud: A Coherent Sub-Group of the North Syrian Style.” Metropolitan Museum Journal 11: 25–54.
The History of Sam’al
Alkım, U. Bahadır. 1965. “The Road from Sam’al to Asitawandawa: Contributions to the Historical Geography of the Amanus Region.” Anadolu Araştırmaları 2: 3–41.
Dion, Paul-Eugène. 1997. Les Araméens à l’Âge du Fer: Histoire politique et structures sociales. Paris: Gabalda.
Hawkins, J. David. 1982. “The Neo-Hittite States in Syria and Anatolia.” In The Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 3, part 1, edited by John Boardman et al., pp. 372–441. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hawkins, J. David. 2008. “Sam’al. A. Philologisch.” Reallexikon der Assyriologie 11: 600–605.
Landsberger, Benno. 1948. “Sam’al: Studien zur Entdeckung der Ruinenstätte Karatepe.” Veröffentlichungen der Türkischen Historischen Gesellschaft 7/16. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
Lipiński, Edward. 2000. The Aramaeans: Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 100. Leuven: Peeters.
Sader, Hélène S. 1987. Les états araméens de Syrie: Depuis leur fondation jusqu’à leur transformation en provinces assyriennes. Beiruter Texte und Studien 36. Beirut: Orient-Institut der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft.
Sader, Hélène S. 2014. “History.” In The Aramaeans in Ancient Syria, edited by Herbert Niehr, pp. 11–36. Handbook of Oriental Studies 106. Leiden: Brill.
Yamada, Shigeo. 2000. The Construction of the Assyrian Empire: A Historical Study of the Inscriptions of Shalmaneser III (859–824 B.C.) Relating to His Campaigns to the West. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 3. Leiden: Brill.
Younger, K. Lawson. 2016. A Political History of the Arameans: From Their Origins to the End of Their Polities. Archaeology and Biblical Studies 13. Atlanta: SBL Press.
Inscriptions and Philological Studies
Astour, Michael C. 1963. “Place-names from the Kingdom of Alalah in the North Syrian List of Thutmose III: A Study in Historical Topography.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 22: 220–241.
Dion, Paul-Eugène. 1974. La langue de Ya’udi: Description et classement de l’ancien parler de Zencirli dans le cadre des langues sémitiques du nord-ouest. Waterloo, Ontario: Corporation pour la Publication des Études Académiques en Religion au Canada.
Huehnergard, John. 1995. “What Is Aramaic?” ARAM 7: 261–282.
Lemaire, André. 2001. “Les Langues du royaume de Sam’al aux IXe – VIIIe s. av. J.-C. et leurs relations avec le royaume de Qué.” In La Cilicie: Espaces et pouvoirs locaux (2e millénaire av. J.-C. – 4e siècle ap. J.-C.): Actes de la Table Ronde Internationale d’Istanbul, 2–5 novembre 1999, edited by Éric Jean, Ali M. Dinçol, and Serra Durugönül, pp. 185–193. Varia Anatolica XIII. Istanbul.
Lemaire, André, and Benjamin Sass. 2013. “The Mortuary Stele with Sam’alian Inscription from Ördekburnu near Zincirli.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 369: 57–136.
Millard, Alan. 1994. The Eponyms of the Assyrian Empire, 910–612 B.C. State Archives of Assyria Studies 2. Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project.
Pat-El, Na’ama, and Aren Wilson Wright. “The Subgrouping of Samalian: Arguments in Favor of an Independent Branch.” Forthcoming.
Tropper, Josef. 1993. Die Inschriften von Zincirli: Neue Edition und vergleichende Grammatik des phönizischen, sam’alischen und aramäischen Textkorpus. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
Younger, K. Lawson. 2000. “The Bar-Rakib Inscription.” In The Context of Scripture, vol. 2, Monumental Inscriptions from the Biblical World, edited by William W. Hallo and K. Lawson Younger, pp. 160–161. Leiden: Brill.
Younger, K. Lawson. 2000. “The Hadad Inscription.” In The Context of Scripture, vol. 2, Monumental Inscriptions from the Biblical World, edited by William W. Hallo and K. Lawson Younger, pp. 156–158. Leiden: Brill.
Younger, K. Lawson. 2000. “The Kulamuwa Inscription.” In The Context of Scripture, vol. 2, Monumental Inscriptions from the Biblical World, edited by William W. Hallo and K. Lawson Younger, pp. 147–148. Leiden: Brill.
Younger, K. Lawson. 2000. “The Panamuwa Inscription.” In The Context of Scripture, vol. 2, Monumental Inscriptions from the Biblical World, edited by William W. Hallo and K. Lawson Younger, pp. 158–160. Leiden: Brill.
Religion and Mortuary Cult
Barnett, Richard D. 1964. “The Gods of Zinjirli.” In Compte Rendu de l’onzième Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, pp. 59–87. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
Bonatz, Dominik. 2000. Das syro-hethitische Grabdenkmal: Untersuchungen zur Entstehung einer neuen Bildgattung in der Eisenzeit im nordsyrisch-südostanatolischen Raum. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
Bonatz, Dominik. 2000. “Syro-Hittite Funerary Monuments: A Phenomenon of Tradition or Innovation?” In Essays on Syria in the Iron Age, ed. Guy Bunnens, pp. 189–210. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 7. Louvain: Peeters.
Hays, Christopher B. 2011. Death in the Iron Age II and in First Isaiah. Forschungen zum Alten Testament 79. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Lemaire, André. 2012. “Rites des vivants pour les morts dans le Royaume de Sam’al (VIIIe siècle av. n.è.).” In Les vivants et leurs morts: Actes du colloque organisé par le Collège de France, Paris, les 14–15 avril 2010, edited by Jean-Marie Durand, Thomas Römer, and Jürg Hutzli, pp. 129–137. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 257. Fribourg: Academic Press; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht.
Niehr, Herbert. 2004. “Götter und Kulte in Sam’al.” In Offizielle Religion, lokale Kulte und individuelle Religiositat, edited by M. Hutter and S. Hutter-Braunsar, pp. 301–318. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 318. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.
Niehr, Herbert. 2006. “Bestattung und Ahnenkult in den Königshäusern von Sam’al (Zincirli) and Guzāna (Tell Halāf) in Nordsyrien.” Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 122: 111–139.
The Katumuwa Stele
Bonatz, Dominik. 2014. “Katumuwa’s Banquet Scene.” In In Remembrance of Me: Feasting with the Dead in the Ancient Middle East, edited by Virginia R. Herrmann and J. David Schloen, pp. 39–44. Oriental Institute Museum Publication 37. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
del Olmo Lete, Gregorio. 2011. “KTMW and His ‘Funerary Chapel.’” Aula Orientalis 29/2: 308–310.
Hawkins, J. David. 2015. “The Soul in the Stele?” In Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 57th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, edited by Alfonso Archi, pp. 49–58. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns.
Mazzini, Giovanni. 2009. “On the Problematic Term syr/d in the New Old Aramaic Inscription from Zincirli.” Ugarit Forschungen 41: 505–507.
Melchert, H. Craig. 2010. “Remarks on the Kuttamuwa Inscription.” Kubaba 1: 3–11.
Nebe, G.-W. 2010. “Eine neue Inschrift aus Zincirli auf der Stele des Kutamuwa und die hebräische Sprachwissenschaft.” In Jüdische Studien als Disziplin—Die Disziplinen der Jüdischen Studien: Festschrift der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg 1979–2009, edited by Johannes Heil and Daniel Krochmalnik, pp. 311–332. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
Sanders, Seth L. 2012. “Naming the Dead: Funerary Writing and Historical Change in the Iron Age Levant.” Maarav 19: 11–36.